Drowning in data, or swimming in insights? Keynote at ELT Young Learners’ summit

The Young Learners’ Summit
I was delighted to keynote alongside Dr. Katarina Gospic, Dr. John Collick, and Carl Wantennar at the Young Learners’ Summit hosted by Studycat on August 27, 2020.
A call for edtech to evolve
I gave a presentation about how edtech needs to evolve to give teachers of young learners more actionable insights. I showed examples of how building a 360-degree view of a learner can give teachers insights into the “why” behind student performance. And, how to empower teachers with tools that enable efficient interventions for small groups of learners with common difficulties.

Downloads and further reading
You can download my presentation here:
For more details, please also see the dashboard design principles and design examples I’ve previously published. We also welcome your feedback or questions—just use the form below and title “Your challenge” with the word “Feedback”.
Need help?
If you’re a K12 edtech company and want a fast and incisive assessment of your current dashboards and practical tips for how to evolve them to be more actionable for your users and more competitive in the market, we’d love to help. Please contact us today with the form provided below.