Our latest blogs
Remote edtech conferences: surprising benefits
Hats off to EdTechX for refactoring their global conference into a remote online summit. It was a tantalizing taste of some positive consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.

Important lessons for business leaders emerging from Covid-19 politics
Insights are emerging of why women leaders are excelling in this time of uncertainty and change.

Beware the zoom to Zoom
In a post-Covid world, we must reflect on lessons learned and research into “what works” to re-imagine effective online teaching and learning.

Education will be a foundation for a better post-Covid-19 world
Although education will be shaken by Covid-19, there are many reasons to be optimistic about the future.

Outcomes-driven design: engineer your edtech to deliver more value
If you want your edtech to be competitive, sticky, and to deliver value, use outcomes as your guiding light.

Remote working and telecommuting: lessons for sustainability
As we huddle down for lockdown, here are some basics for how to maintain your sanity and productivity.

Jack Welch’s legacy and a warning about process vs. purpose
Welch’s four pillars still remain critical for effectively managing businesses today. But, don’t let process become the goal.