Remote edtech conferences: surprising benefits

First, a confession. I didn’t, ahem, manage to attend any sessions at EdTechX… Why?
Because the week was instead packed with more interesting, varied, and promising 1:1 discussions with edtech leaders around the world than I’ve had at any event in a very long time.
Conferences get you out of the office and looking outside in at your business. You meet old friends and build new relationships. But, conferences also involve hours of travel (CO2), jet lag, missed meetings in cavernous conference centers, and long queues for an unhealthy lunch.
The online EdTechX summit was a different beast. With everyone remote, attendees invested quality time grooming the attendee list. The results? Higher quality and (strangely) more personal meetings.
COVID-19 added a second surprising benefit. The crisis brought edtech leaders together and the spirit of support, creativity, and optimism was palpable. It was energizing.
So, bring on the new normal!